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BL Maes (may 2020)

BuddyLine: Connect w/ the Elder Community & Create a Radio Show

BuddyLine is a series of intergenerational telephone conversations between people from the Sonder Radio Community of over 60s and the Reform Radio Community of under 28s. Taking advantage of the technology available to us, the conversations were recorded from each of their homes during isolation.

Through these honest conversations, our listeners enter into an intimate and genuine meeting between two people who would not otherwise interact in everyday society.

We will match people with stories that will enlighten both the listeners and each other, and demonstrate that isolation does not have to be isolating, and can create long-lasting friendships.

This is a partnership between Reform Radio and Sonder Radio, funded by Audio Content Fund and continued support from the Manchester Adult Education Service (MAES).

Buddyline was set up in order to help combat loneliness during these tough periods of self-isolation. Our aim is to improve wellbeing through the power of communication by pairing two complete strangers and starting a regular phone conversation. Let have a look into some of these conversations!

Episode 1: Racheal and Stevie

Over the next hour, you’ll hear our first pair, Rachel and Stevie talk about many topics- from Gender Identity to Eurovision!

Episode 2: Kitty and Graham

In this episode, Kitty and Graham discuss family history during the Second World War and the power of social media.

Episode 3: Olivia and Sarah

Our next pair of callers, Olivia and Sara, explore all sorts of topics – from their experiences as women growing up in different periods, to guessing what the other might look like!

Episode 4: Tony and Michael

In this episode, Tony and Michael dig into reggae music, their life ambitions, and the value in talking to new people.

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