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Positive lifestyle habits that ensure one gets restful and healthy sleep

Emergency Contacts: Crisis Numbers & Links

Here are the links to websites and numbers to contact in case of an emergency:

  • Call Crisis Care Manchester on 0800 9530285, a 24/7 helpline to call if you feel your mental health is beginning to suffer.
  • If you’re under 35 and struggling with suicidal feelings, or concerned about a young person who might be struggling, you can call Papyrus HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141. Their availability is 10am-10pm on weekdays, 2pm-10pm on weekends, and 2pm–10pm on bank holidays), email or text 07786 209 697.
  • If you would prefer not to talk but want some mental health support, text SHOUT to 85258 (UK-wide), a 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope (people who are anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed and who need immediate support).
  • SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support,guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers.The phone line is open every day of the year from 4.30pm to 10.30pm on 0300 304 7000.
  • National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK. Offers a supportive listening service to anyone with thoughts of suicide. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK on  0800 689 5652 (6pm – midnight everyday).
  • If you’re a student, you can look on the Nightline website to see if your university or college offers a night-time listening service. All Nightline phone operators are students.
  • The Switchboard is aimed at those that identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Call on 0300 330 0630 (10am–10pm every day), email or use their webchat service. Phone operators all identify as LGBT+.
  • Befrienders Worldwide is an international helpline with volunteers and members from all around the world. By heading to their website, you can find the correct support helpline for the country you are living in.

If you are in crisis and feel unable to keep yourself safe then you should attend your local A&E department .You may wish to call an ambulance on 999.

Winter can be a particularly challenging time for individuals and as temperatures drop, cost of living support is necessary more than ever. Please see a detailed list below for support across Greater Manchester through Winter:

  • No one should struggle to stay warm this Winter. Manchester has welcoming spaces for everyone to go for a brew, a chat and a warm through the festive season. Find your nearest one here. You can also call 0800 023 2692 or text 07860022876 for assistance (Monday to Friday, 9AM til 4.30PM).

Shelter: Offers advice and support for housing and homelessness issues. Contact them at 0808 800 4444 or visit their website here.

  • Street Support is an independent organisation that is a trusted source of information on homelessness in Manchester. Use their website to source support with accommodation, personal items, food and drop-ins here.
  • Coffee 4 Craig is a drop-in centre for the street homeless in Manchester. It is open 7 days a week (Mondays to Fridays, 6-8PM, and weekends 5-7PM) for hot food, showers and support. More information available here or you can simply head to 153 Great Ducie Street, Manchetser, M3 1FB on the times outlined above.
  • Lifeshare UK open at Christmas to anyone in need of a warm place to spend the day, a hot shower, dry clothes, a fresh meal, or a friendly face. Anyone in need of support who is 18+ is welcome to join us. Find the full opening times of the centre here. If you require emergency support, please contact the Emergency Duty Team at 0161 234 5001.
  • SSO Manchester currently deliver food parcels to those in need in Manchester. For more information, please email
  • Humans MCR deliver nutritious food parcels to those in need across Greater Manchester. Get in touch to us the food bank here or call 0161 243 0171.
  • Manchester has free warm welcoming spaces for you this winter to go for a free brew, a chat, advice and information or staying warm. Find out more here or text 07860 022 876.
  • If you’re having to make impossible choices between paying a bill or putting a meal on the table, or simply struggling to make ends meet, Mustard Tree’s Food Club could help. Join Mustard Tree as a client and for just £3.00 you can purchase up to 10 food items. Call 0161 850 2282 to book an assessment appointment with a member of their team or find out more info about the organisation here.
  • From time to time, we all need a little help and sometimes it’s hard to know where to turn. Wood Street Mission helps support families living on a low income in Manchester and Salford, with practical help and services. They can help you with children’s clothes, toys, books, bedding, baby equipment and toiletries through their Family Basics service. Their Smart Start project can help you with school uniform and other school kit for your children, and at Christmas they can help with gifts for your children. Christmas is an expensive time of year for all families but they know for the families they support it can be a time of worry, stress and upset to not be able to provide presents for your children to open on Christmas Day.
  • From food banks to drop-in centres and 1-2-1 support for individuals, Barnabus support homeless individuals through a range of challenges. Their support centre is open Monday to Thursday (7.30AM til 8.30AM for breakfast and 9.15AM til 12PM for drop-ins for food, showers and clothing). A nurse or health practitioner is also present on site every Thursday. Find the organisation’s full services here.
  • Emmeline’s Pantry‘s food pantry is a service aimed at helping women and families that may be struggling to feed or clothe everyone with the rising costs of living and effects of benefit cuts. This is open to all women across Manchester who, for a donation, can access the service either weekly or monthly depending on need. This service is available by referral only – please call 0161 204 3373 to find out how to source a referral.
  • The Bread and Butter Thing host mobile food clubs which give you access to nutritious and affordable food in the heart of communities starved of money, food and resources. Find your nearest hub opening times here.
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